How to arrange a very small, very narrow or very long hallway?

The hall is the first thing we see when entering the apartment. As you know, the impression of a house is formed in the first few seconds, which is why it is so important, concise and, most importantly, functional arrangement of furniture in the hallway.

Corridors are completely different, but the main feature of this space in our country is almost always not a large enough area and many doors leading to other rooms.

Let’s list the pieces of furniture that should preferably be present in the hall (in order of the most necessary to the recommended):

  • Obuvnitsa (ideally — a place to store clean shoes and at least one shelf with a grid for dirty and wet shoes);
  • ottoman (or other chair for removing shoes);
  • hanger for today’s outerwear;
  • a closet for seasonal clothing (if there is a dressing room near the hall for this purpose, the closet is canceled);
  • a mirror, ideally — at its maximum height (to assess its appearance before going out);
  • a place to store small items (most often, it is a wardrobe or chest of drawers — it is convenient to keep a notebook, small things, keys, gloves, scarves and hats — by the way, modern fashion has almost completely replaced the large head, folding shelves and cabinets above the hanger and keep knitted hats in drawers);
  • person umbrella ;
  • a place to put your bag on arrival (this can be a special separate chair or a pouf).

Basic rules for organizing the hall.

  • The shape of the hall has been washed as close to the square as possible (if there is such an opportunity). That is, a narrow and long room can be made shorter, taking part of it for arranging a spacious closet.
  • To save space, there can be a full-length mirror on the inner door (this element is not a fixed element post factum, but originally a custom position from the door manufacturer) or on the doors in the casings.
  • Closet for outerwear in small and narrow areas is better to do with sliding doors than swing. When they open, they do not have an inch of such precious space, moving along the rails installed along the front wall of the cabinet. With the design here, of course, there are not many options (such cabinets look quite modern), but in any case, you can find a way out. Classic models can be made of natural wood with capitals, curved eaves and carved decorative elements, and in more modern styles, you just need to choose the right materials for the interior, the color and thickness of the profile, and if you want to order melting on glass or a mirror with lines, ornaments, shapes or other decorative elements.
  • Remember ergonomics — 80 cm — the minimum permissible width of the passage in the hall. Leaving less space is not strictly recommended. It is better to minimize the number of objects in the hall, otherwise you risk squeezing between objects, touching all the things in their path with a hanger, with drawers, shoes and other objects. But for tall people it will be completely uncomfortable.
  • Use visual effects effectively.

How to arrange a very small, very narrow or very long hallway?

Want the camera to appear:

  • more spacious — use too small a pattern on the wallpaper;
  • vertical lines and vertical bars above ;
  • below ( if the room is too small and narrow, even with ceilings the normal height in the hall creates the effect of “good”) — a decorative laminate can be glued not at the intersection of the ceiling and walls, and more down, about 30 cm from the ceiling. Then the wand itself should not be an angular shape, but a flat one on the back to adhere tightly to the wall. Make part of the wall below the batten as usual and paint 30 centimeters at the top with the same paint as the ceiling. Thus, visually, the walls will become smaller, and the ceiling area will increase;
  • wider — along the long walls, in a narrow space of the hall, objects and coatings with a reflective effect. It can be semi-matte wall paint, mirrors in the form of decorative cloths or solid rectangles attached to the walls, glossy MDF furniture and other tricks. As never before, furniture made of transparent plastic is real (a bench for a chair or a chair can be made of it) or with mirror facades (a chest of drawers for small things, for example). For the same purpose in the same way, you can use floors — wood, tile or carpet. All of these also have a texture, shape or pattern, which, if positioned properly, will enhance the effect you need.

What to look for when planning?

And now — a few technological moments, which are not always taken into account during repair, and then create inconvenience for residents or negatively affect the appearance of the hallway:

  • Entrance and interior doors. Make sure that the design of the entrance doors and interior doors entering the hall, combined with each other (all interior doors should be ordered in one design).
  • HOW THE HATES FOLLOW. Notice how the doors open: where the corridor — should not intersect with each other. The opening also affects the appearance of the doors — depending on the thickness of the walls on either side of the box, they will look different — ask the showroom manager to show you the difference so you understand what product you’ll end up with. For the exterior, it will be better if all the interior doors open only in the corridor or only in the rooms.
  • Warm surface. Consider installing electric underfloor heating in the doormat area — there are often dirty, wet shoes that dry much faster if the heat is coming from below. In addition, razuvshis much nicer to become legs on the heated surface, rather than on a cold piece.
  • LIGHTS. Take care of sufficient lighting at the mirror and inside the wardrobe. A switch for local lighting, it is better to locate directly at the entrance, and the other (if the hall is quite large and long), passing closer to the living area, it was not necessary to go to the other end of the corridor several times a day, including the light. The location of the motion sensor can be convenient for the light to turn on automatically (for pet owners, this should not become an obstacle – the place just needs to properly adjust the sensor so that it perceives movement, for example, only over 50 cm).
  • SOCKETS . Faceți o priză de putere lângă intrare. Uneori poate fi necesar să porniți un uscător de pantofi electric sau să încărcați un telefon mobil (există alte inovații care vor veni la noi în viitorul apropiat).
  • DOORPHONE, ELECTRIC SWITCH. Do not forget that most of the time in the hall are located: electrical panel, intercom, alarm system. All these devices require a place and certain conclusions, so make a plan, already taking into account where the devices will be located and their dimensions.
  • FOR MEN. Not always, but often they are asked to build a horizontal bar in the apartment. And if there is no place on the balcony for this place, the area by the entrance door is also a good option. Similar to a living room. Therefore, its presence, if planned, should be planned in advance, strengthen the wall in the rough work stage and prepare it to fix the bar with anchor bolts

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